Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ooooh, my aching everything!

The first five days or so after chemo is when a person experiences the side effects. I'm having aching bones and am spending most of my time lying on the sofa.
Fortunately, my friend Marilyn called this morning. She went through this last year and told me about a particular kind of pain medication I need to ask for next time I'm in the city, that will greatly alleviate this problem. In a day or two it should have completely passed anyway until next treatment.
There was a march on Sunday of Ovarian Cancer survivors Marilyn told me about.
It's still amazing to me how God has provided so many people to provide support just when I need it. Our house is a disaster, but boy do we have food to eat! I just have to get up to warm something up at regular meal times. The boys are doing all the dishes. Our local home care nurse is a good neighbour, who brought over some lasagne.
I'm hoping one day soon I can get up and help the boys with some school or something, but other than that, we're doing all right.

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