Friday, October 23, 2009

Good news!

I just got home from my third chemotherapy treatment. On Wednesday, my doctor told me that before I had surgery my CA125 level (stands for "Cancer Antigen"and is an indicator of the extent of the cancer in one's system) was around 2000. (extremely high) Then after the surgery it was down to 200 and after my first chemo treatment it went down to 41. Normal levels are 0 - 35. My doctor is happy because this indicates that the chemo is effective in dealing with my remaining cancer. I've had two more treatments since then, so who knows? Maybe I'm down to -50 by now.
I had a lovely day again at the clinic. My sister Judy, and Judy Catton and Janice Akerman all came to visit me (Joanne) and my nurse was Joy, so it was a real "J" day. Judy bought me lunch because Peter was Christmas shopping, then he came back shortly after lunch after all my "J" visitors left.
Next time I may have to stay in Saskatoon a bit longer because of the Nov. 11 holiday. We might go up to St. Therese and spend some time there if it works out. My bloodwork is scheduled for Nov. 4th and my chemo for Nov. 12. That is rather awkward for Peter, so we may have to work something out.

Friday, October 16, 2009

no news!

I haven't been blogging lately just because I can't think of anything to say.
I've been feeling quite well, so have been doing a little bit more than I was. Joseph and Peter and I have been working on our train set downstairs. Joseph is doing the landscaping, Peter is attaching the ballast under the track and I have been scrunching up newspaper. What would the world do without the newspaper scrunchers? Joseph uses this paper to shape the hills and mountains, then we will be covering it with plaster cloth, then painting.
Also, I have also been playing cards and doing science experiments with David and Justin.
Today we went to Maple Creek for dentist appointments for the boys. We also visited with Auntie Margaret.
This coming Wednesday, we'll be driving up to Saskatoon for my next appointment and chemo treatment.
The weather is beautiful today, so I'm thinking of going out for a short walk.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Today's Menu

Today was a good day! Egglady brought Borscht, bread, pumpkin pie and another friend came this evening and brought meatballs and rice and dessert. My favorite part (besides all the food) was getting a chance to visit with these ladies.
I was planning to take the boys to Karate this evening, but I kind of wore out.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


I'm feeling quite well today - just very, very sleepy. Go figure? I think I must have just been recovering from surgery and not so much from the chemo last time. I'm drinking more calcium, which may be helping with the leg pain.
I'm not much help for the boys in their school work. I can barely concentrate to sit up, let alone do math. However, this will pass in a day or two.
Thanks for all your prayers!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Back from Round 2

We just got home from Saskatoon last night - I had my second dose of chemo on Thursday. I can't get over how much better I feel than last time. Last time, of course, I was only 2 1/2 weeks post-op, so I was much more worn out. I'm still on steroids for another day or so, and after that I expect to have to battle that achiness again, but this time my doctor prescibed a more effective pain medication. I don't know whether it will completely take care of the pain. It is a narcotic, so I might be rather dopey. So everybody, please don't get offended if I start to get that glazed-over look in my eyes when I'm supposed to be listening. After Wednesday or so, I should be recovering.
I was finding, because of feeling much more energetic, that it was that much harder to lie around in bed all day receiving my treatment. It was still a very pleasant day, but I just wanted to get up and go for a walk around the world.
It's good to be home again. I find it quite manageable to walk to my in-laws and back now, so I've been over for a couple of visits.
If you don't hear from me for a few days it will be because of either achiness or dopiness.