Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Trivial Pursuit

I just about live for Mondays. Well, maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration, but I do quite look forward to Mondays. The reason is that every Monday, 4marks.com comes out with a new Catholic trivia contest and I always try out. There are always 40 questions and they're often related to the season of the church year. The quicker you answer the questions, the more points you get, too, so my nerves are a little on edge until I hear my weekly verdict. If a person completes the contest early on Monday, he or she could find him or herself in the top 40, or even the top 10. After that, of course, more people than 40 or 10 have participated in the contest and one tends to slide down in the chart through the course of the week. I actually came in first once, all week long, but usually I have to content myself with finishing in the top 100.
Besides the trivia contest, 4marks.com has ongoing catechism classes. It's a great website for all who teach catechism.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Running of the Bulls (Fox Valley)

I headed out for my daily walk yesterday. As I was walking through the farmyard my little niece, Olivia called out to ask if she could come with me. This four-year-old has my sixteen-year-old son, Daniel, in tow just about constantly when she visits the farm. Yesterday they were out in the "fort" building a house for Olivia when I happened along.
I was a little reluctant to take her along because, well, I need the exercise and I didn't think having a little one along would permit me to go my usual speed. However I found it difficult to explain that to her, and, in the end, I invited both Olivia and Daniel to come with me.
Whoa! Olivia ran just about all the way. Did I mention, it's about a mile to the end of the road?
The only break she took was when Daniel whisked her up and spun her in the air a couple of times.
It's very sweet to me to see those two spending time together. A most unlikely pair, in a way.
We got almost to the end of the road when we looked up and noticed four bulls running in our direction. So, just like that we turned and started running in the opposite direction back to the farmyard. Just like Pamplona! We didn't actually stand a chance of beating the bulls there. Well, maybe Daniel and Olivia could, but not this old lady! Shortly however, my husband Peter drove up in the truck and drove us back to the yard where we opened the gate for the bulls and waited to usher them into the pasture.
This was one of those ordinary things that happen, that turn into a big adventure without any planning on my part. I almost missed out on it by saying "No" to Olivia.