Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Fox Valley isms

Hearing about others in rural areas who pronounce things in an unusual way reminded me of some of the local figures of speech. Probably every community has its own - I'm not trying to say we're special in any sort of way, but have you heard of "married up together with each other", or instead of saying "Are you going with somebody" we just say "Are you going with?" One neighbour remarked once how the conception in his house really improved when he got his new t.v. antenna.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Hickey-isms: When our kids were young they thought thatwe were saying 'grouchy sandwiches'instead of grilled cheese sandwiches. I still call them 'grouchy sandwiches'.One of the kids thought
it was 'Silly later!' instead of 'See you later' so we used to say that. Eventually it got shortened to 'Silly!'