Saturday, October 03, 2009

Back from Round 2

We just got home from Saskatoon last night - I had my second dose of chemo on Thursday. I can't get over how much better I feel than last time. Last time, of course, I was only 2 1/2 weeks post-op, so I was much more worn out. I'm still on steroids for another day or so, and after that I expect to have to battle that achiness again, but this time my doctor prescibed a more effective pain medication. I don't know whether it will completely take care of the pain. It is a narcotic, so I might be rather dopey. So everybody, please don't get offended if I start to get that glazed-over look in my eyes when I'm supposed to be listening. After Wednesday or so, I should be recovering.
I was finding, because of feeling much more energetic, that it was that much harder to lie around in bed all day receiving my treatment. It was still a very pleasant day, but I just wanted to get up and go for a walk around the world.
It's good to be home again. I find it quite manageable to walk to my in-laws and back now, so I've been over for a couple of visits.
If you don't hear from me for a few days it will be because of either achiness or dopiness.


Genny said...

Happy to hear you are home again! We are REALLY looking forward to seeing you on the Thanksgiving weekend. We will continue to offer you up in our daily prayers. We pray that the narcotic helps the pain but doesn't have too many adverse effects.
Lots of love, Genny

Karen said...

Hi Joanne,

I'm glad to hear you are feeling better after this treatment. We are thinking of you and praying for you every day.


Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better, I'm glad to hear your mobile. I hear one of the side effects of narcotics is wanting potato chips. Potato chips are good. This should work out.

Praying for you,
