Friday, October 16, 2009

no news!

I haven't been blogging lately just because I can't think of anything to say.
I've been feeling quite well, so have been doing a little bit more than I was. Joseph and Peter and I have been working on our train set downstairs. Joseph is doing the landscaping, Peter is attaching the ballast under the track and I have been scrunching up newspaper. What would the world do without the newspaper scrunchers? Joseph uses this paper to shape the hills and mountains, then we will be covering it with plaster cloth, then painting.
Also, I have also been playing cards and doing science experiments with David and Justin.
Today we went to Maple Creek for dentist appointments for the boys. We also visited with Auntie Margaret.
This coming Wednesday, we'll be driving up to Saskatoon for my next appointment and chemo treatment.
The weather is beautiful today, so I'm thinking of going out for a short walk.


Anonymous said...

Cool! I've always wanted to make a train set! Sounds fun!

Glad to hear your feeling well. What kind of science experiments were you doing?


Judy said...

So nice to hear you're doing well....

auntie jeranne said...

We have this great science program that has billions of experiments in a really logical progression. So far, we have been doing really simple experiments like: pouring water, oil and syrup into a glass to see the layers that are formed, and dropping a cork, a grape, an ice cube and a stone to see which layer they sink to; and putting food colouring into two jars - one with boiling water and one with cold water to see how quickly the food colouring spreads and mixes. These experiments are both designed to teach something about atoms.

Genevieve said...

Boy I sure miss those science experiments!! Glad to here you weren't worn out by all of last weekend.
I talked to Noella today and said you were coming to S'toon this week. She wanted to know how you are doing etc.
We are fine. Chris has a football game tomorrow so we are going. They were all at the big game today. I stayed home to cook the supper:(
Have a good week!! Love you!

egglady said...

o likes the science experiments lately. it is the only thing he gets excited about it. some are pretty messy though. i like the sounds of yours. they sound pretty simple yet interesting. we did one with tipping cold water into hot water and watching the dyes mix.

Mrs. Pinkerton said...

The weeks are flying by! It seemed like only yesterday that you went for your last chemo treatment. Hope all goes well. Enjoy the nice fall weather while it lasts.

And now, I'm off to do some math with Susannah!

egglady said...

Thinking of you today!