Friday, February 04, 2011

Help! I'm drowning!

Earlier this week, I got a phone call from the boys' regular voice teacher. She had asked me to accompany her students in this year's music festival and I did agree. She was going to leave me some music "for my practicing pleasure" in a green box in the United Church and could I please pick it up when I was in town?
Well, I should have brought a truck with me that day. There was an enormous pile of music there. There were only 5 voice students who needed me, so I thought maybe I'd get away with not too much. However, I do enjoy a little musical challenge. You can imagine my delight when I went to the boys' voice lesson, with another teacher, and was asked if I would accompany her students also.
Well, we went right home and I got the music right out and started practicing diligently. 2 1/2 hours later I hadn't quite finished running through everything once!
Do you know, the very hardest of it all, including the classical, Broadway musicals, folk songs and sacred - is the music from "Shrek." The notes are not at all difficult - it's the one AND two rest rest AND four that gets me every time.
Excuse me, I have to go. I'm a little busy until the end of March.


Anne-Marie Hickey said...

Who know Shrek would be so musically challenging? Nice to see you blogging again.

Mariette said...

Oh wow. I hope you're getting paid for it!