Thursday, August 03, 2006

our mad bull

It occurs to me that some of you will not know about our mad bull.
One of our bulls broke one of its hind legs somehow in the community pasture, and so Peter and Mark had to go out with some other men and try to load it into the stock trailer and bring it home. It was acting rather irrationally and being difficult. It charged at Peter and hit him from behind with its head, knocking him to the ground where he scraped his face. Then it turned around and started running toward him as if it was going to trample him, but at the last moment turned aside and ran past.
Eventually they managed to load it and bring it home, but it was a little scary having it around. Peter took it to Medicine Hat, finally, and had it butchered. I think he rather enjoyed staying around and watching it get shot. I do hope there are not any animal rights activists around.

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