Saturday, July 29, 2006

auspicious company

This will have to be short, because JOHN is here. We're having a great visit- I've never had one solitary Hickey here at a time, they always come in groups. We like groups, too, but this is a good opportunity to spend time with John. Last night we had a bonfire and I invited four or families to come besides our own. As it turned out, nobody could come except family. It was nice anyway. Even though it was quite windy, we managed to get a fire started. (That was the royal "we" incidentally) We had watermelon and smores, pop and beer. Father Zoller had come over for supper earlier and met John then. John is going to speak in our parish tonight, then he's going to Mass in Richmound tomorrow morning. Fr. Zoller said he could make an announcement in both places during Mass. Richmound, by the way, is the hometown of the Bosch family.
I had better go get started on the pizza.


Kate said...

Are you a Bosche? I live in Frontier, and know a Bosche from that area! (I'm Tom's friend by the way)

auntie jeranne said...

No I'm not. I'm a Hudec. However we have friends who are Bosch's (spelled differently from your acquaintance) who have been involved in CCO.