Thursday, December 31, 2009


We have high speed!
It will be so great being able to receive and make phone calls when our boy is doing his online courses in the mornings. Some of his math quizzes are timed, so I'm sure he'll appreciate being able to change pages quickly.
We have had a lovely Christmas so far and are expecting more family home today for New Year's. Last evening, everyone came over for a birthday celebration, so we had a houseful. I got to just sit and visit with everyone, though - Peter was the host. I tried to help his mother dry the dishes but she wouldn't let me. Fortunately, someone else came along.
I'm feeling a slight cold coming on, so will try to keep warm and rest.
God bless us everyone!


egglady said...

Happy Happy Birthday J sounds like you had a nice one!!
Happy New Year too.

Mariette said...

life will never be the same now that you have high speed!

Raymundo said...

Do you have high speed because of your increased caffine intake?