Saturday, September 06, 2008

"Oh, there's nothing halfway..."

A couple of weeks ago, I went to "Music Man" camp with my two elder sons while they auditioned for roles for the November production in Maple Creek. It was quite fun, really. I sewed 6 vests and an apron on a serger, and moved a number of buttons. They have stacks of old costumes at Camp Shagabec, where they always hold their music camps, and every year a number of seamstresses get together and try to adjust them for the current performance.
Daniel will be a salesman in the beginning train scene, then he will be the bass singer in the quartet for the rest. Joseph has several roles - he will be the train conductor at the beginning, the constable for most of the rest, with brief stints as the farmer in the Iowa song and a townsperson in the Wells-Fargo song. He also gets to dance and sing in "Shipoopi" which will be fun.
After I finished all my sewing, I moved to the kitchen, where I mostly sat and watched the professional cooking staff do their thing. Thank Heaven they liked just having company in there, because I wasn't much use for anything else. I did get to clean windows at the end, though.
Now we're off to Maple Creek every Sunday afternoon from now till the performances in November.

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