Saturday, October 23, 2010

A year later

Today we were digging potatoes and I couldn't help thinking . . . "a year ago I wasn't well enough to do this." I also went through a bag of mail I got when I was sick, thinking that I should perhaps clean up our bedroom a bit. I had to keep this memorable note from my nephew Bob Hickey:

My mom tells me you've decided to stay in the luxurious Saskatoon City Hospital. Room service, house keeping, people fluffing your pillow. It sounds maaaarvelous.

It's really hot here in Taiwan. We've been up to 40. The humidity makes the air thick and so all one feels like doing is swimming and barbeque. Both of those activities are fine with me, so summer's been pretty swell so far.

I'll be arriving home very soon. 11 days! I'm sooo excited to see everyone. Is there anything I can bring back for you from Taiwan? Barbequed duck heads on a stick? 1000 year old eggs? Red bean flavoured ice cream? Let me know. I'll make a list.

I hope you're feeling well. I've been praying for you every day and am thinking about you often.

Lots of love,


I was thinking I really should throw my last year's mail out already, but I guess I'll keep some.