Friday, December 21, 2007

Let There Be Pieces (and Peace, too)

This year for our last-minute pre-Christmas project, we thought we'd finish the basement bedrooms and paint the boys' bedroom upstairs, then shuffle all the boys around so they all come out with one bed each. Sounds simple, doesn't it?
Our older two boys have been helping and have actually done the painting in their own rooms, and our third son has helped with all the painting in his room also. Peter's in charge of finishing closets and ceilings, and my official position, though I have helped a little with painting, has been that of "Stuff Manager."
We removed all the "stuff" from all three bedrooms, and I have it carefully organized in the family room downstairs. However, it did not all fit in there (some of it was falling out) so I began to surreptitiously add pieces of "accent furniture", such as night tables, chairs and double beds to the livingroom and kitchen. This is a kitchen that already has one church organ too many!
It's all very organized. I know just what I'm going to say at midnight on Christmas Eve when we are setting up the bedrooms. "Dearest, where did you put the screws for the light switch covers for Davy's bedroom?" I'll say, "They're on the bookshelves." "And where are the bookshelves?" "They're in the back corner of the family room under the double bed mattress and drum set."
One would only hope it could be the drum set which will get lost and not the bolts for somebody's bed!
God bless you all with a very happy Christmas and New Year - think of us and count your blessings! I had better get back to work.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Gone all yin and yangsy!

That's right - we're into Karate now. I bought uniforms for Daniel and David, who are our karate enthusiasts, and got them home only to discover the yin and yang sign on the fronts. I was panicking for a while because I wasn't sure that would be an excellent Christian witness, but have been assured by several people whom I trust that the yin and yang are from a Chinese philosophy, not a religion, and that there doesn't need to be any religious significance attached unless we make it so.
We love the Karate lessons, though. I was even thinking about taking part myself, except I'm afraid I might have a coronary after five minutes. They have to do about 50 situps and crunches all together, except if you lean on the wall of the "dojo" - then you have to do 30 more. The instructors are very kind and helpful, except for their penchant for situps, and our boys are really enjoying the workout.
So, the next time you see us watch out for your knees. Hi-ya!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Trivial Pursuit

I just about live for Mondays. Well, maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration, but I do quite look forward to Mondays. The reason is that every Monday, comes out with a new Catholic trivia contest and I always try out. There are always 40 questions and they're often related to the season of the church year. The quicker you answer the questions, the more points you get, too, so my nerves are a little on edge until I hear my weekly verdict. If a person completes the contest early on Monday, he or she could find him or herself in the top 40, or even the top 10. After that, of course, more people than 40 or 10 have participated in the contest and one tends to slide down in the chart through the course of the week. I actually came in first once, all week long, but usually I have to content myself with finishing in the top 100.
Besides the trivia contest, has ongoing catechism classes. It's a great website for all who teach catechism.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Running of the Bulls (Fox Valley)

I headed out for my daily walk yesterday. As I was walking through the farmyard my little niece, Olivia called out to ask if she could come with me. This four-year-old has my sixteen-year-old son, Daniel, in tow just about constantly when she visits the farm. Yesterday they were out in the "fort" building a house for Olivia when I happened along.
I was a little reluctant to take her along because, well, I need the exercise and I didn't think having a little one along would permit me to go my usual speed. However I found it difficult to explain that to her, and, in the end, I invited both Olivia and Daniel to come with me.
Whoa! Olivia ran just about all the way. Did I mention, it's about a mile to the end of the road?
The only break she took was when Daniel whisked her up and spun her in the air a couple of times.
It's very sweet to me to see those two spending time together. A most unlikely pair, in a way.
We got almost to the end of the road when we looked up and noticed four bulls running in our direction. So, just like that we turned and started running in the opposite direction back to the farmyard. Just like Pamplona! We didn't actually stand a chance of beating the bulls there. Well, maybe Daniel and Olivia could, but not this old lady! Shortly however, my husband Peter drove up in the truck and drove us back to the yard where we opened the gate for the bulls and waited to usher them into the pasture.
This was one of those ordinary things that happen, that turn into a big adventure without any planning on my part. I almost missed out on it by saying "No" to Olivia.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I thought since my last blog was a little negative, I would like to recount some examples of real charity, as opposed to niceness. I have to say I am all for charity, if anyone wonders.
Charity is a Catholic priest who flies from Denver just about once a month to do retreats and camps even when only 20 boys or fewer show up.
Charity is Mother Teresa, who, unbeknownst to many, was dizzy-sick because of heart trouble for many of those years she picked up people dying of leprosy on the streets of Calcutta. She also spent from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m. or so walking by herself through the streets of Rome when she had been at meetings all day, just to see if she could find anyone who needed help.
Charity is another priest who spent the last two years of his life wearing disguises and hiding from the police in order to bring Holy Communion and other sacraments to people in Communist Mexico, until he was executed on a trumped charge.
Charity is the mother of 12 children, who doesn't get much sleep, or any time to herself, and yet remains cheerful and manages to speak and listen to each child as though he or she were the most precious person on earth.
Charity is the Grandma, who, when she does finally have time to rest, chooses instead to look after her grandchildren occasionally to give mom a break.
Charity is John Paul II, who forgave the man who tried to assassinate him - no, not just forgave, but sat close to him and heard his confession, shielding the man from the camera as he spoke; also who, when urged by many to retire, chose to "stay on the cross" with Jesus. I don't think he ever had one day in all his adult life when he could just say "Think I'll go golfing!" He did exercise sometimes, in order to remain healthy so that he could do everything he had to do. By the way, the personal income of a pope is 0
Charity is the artist and writer and musician who creates something beautiful for God, even if no one else will ever see it.
This is what I would like to do - to learn to be charitable. There is a difference between that and niceness.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

This is nice!

One of the facets of being 50-ish is that some persons lose all concern about what others think. I've noticed myself becoming a little teeny weeny bit abrasive on occasion and, yes, we should probably do something about that.
At the same time, one of the things I've been running into recently, is a tenet which many people seem to treat as Holy Writ. It's the eleventh commandment - Thou shalt be nice.
I'm going to be politically incorrect and say "ptuii!"
Are "niceness" and charity synonymous?
I have some dear friends here who are not Christian. They belong to a different world religion altogether, but they are often saying that for them, it's enough if a person is nice and easy to get along with. That's all that matters. But Jesus said "You must be perfect to get to Heaven." Was He kidding, or exaggerating or something? I believe that many people all over the world get to Heaven by doing their best, even if they have never heard of Jesus. That is not the same thing. There are many people who have heard the Truth, but do not stand up for it, do not proclaim it, pretend that it's more important to get along with everyone than to help people to see the Truth. Someone said there's a problem with having a mind so open that all one's brains are falling out.
First, is there a God? Then, is there a Heaven? Then, if we know there is, does charity require us to tell people about it? If people disagree, should we then say "Well, it doesn't matter if it's not your truth?" How can something be my truth and not be your truth?
I know what Uncle Digory would say.*

*This is a reference to The Magician's Nephew, by C.S. Lewis "Logic - what do they teach in these schools!"

Saturday, July 14, 2007

I'm in Roller-blader heaven!

Well, the road crew has pulled out of Fox Valley and all the other kinds of wheels are moving in: cars ripping around driven by those who would like to decorate the streets with skid marks, bicyclists, and roller-bladers. David and his cousin Rebecca have been roller-blading all over town having a whale of a time. Now there are several parking lots, countless driveways, as well as streets and sidewalks for a person with wheels - even Mrs. Dirk is no doubt having fun with her electric go-kart.
Hmmm . . . maybe I'll even take up roller-blading. . .

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

getting a facelift!

Not me - Fox Valley.
A year or so ago, our village council decided to re-do Fox Valley. New pavement on all streets, new parking lots, new sidewalks and boulevards everywhere.
The road crew and the curb crew have been busy for the past few days. They actually weren't both supposed to be working at once, but somebody got held up, so now they have to negotiate with one another about where to work next. It's impossible to get there from here in Fox Valley right now. I was at Mass with the boys the other day and Elena invited us over for coffee. So, I got into the van and drove around and around for twenty minutes and ended up parking by the swimming pool, even further away than I had been when I was in the church parking lot. However, I found some shade at the swimming pool. Later in the day when we were in town again, the boys asked if we could drop something off at the cousins' house. We drove back and forth for a while and decided it wasn't worth the attempt to get there.
This will all be worth it, though, when the streets and sidewalks are all done. You'll have to come by for a tour!

They're doing What in Where???

On Sunday, we went to visit the Cypress Vineyards. Marty and Marie Bohnet are the proprietors, who got the dream, several years ago to start a vineyard and winery in Saskatchewan. They live quite close to the entrance of Fort Walsh and so are hoping to take advantage of the tourists who pass by their gates.
What a beautiful set-up they have! When we visited them a couple of years ago, they had planted two large vineyards of grapes, and had experimented for many years with wine-making, but there was nothing else there except bush, hills and space. Now they have a beautiful bistro, a creek with waterfall, bridges, deck, and plants and an awesome view to boot. In the bistro itself, there are several varied seating arrangements. There are tables, but there are also sofas beside a fireplace, and lots of big windows. There's a large counter or bar where you stand and sample a small amount of all the wines they have available. We sampled rhubarb, sour cherry, saskatoon and grape wine. There are a number of shelves of articles for sale, and many bottles of wine they made. They're hoping to make mead, and have available grape plants to sell. They actually have the grape plants, but they haven't quite got them moved to a spot near their sales area yet.
They've only been open for two weeks, and they've been busy every day. I wish them all the best.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Oh, the rural life!

I've mentioned before our penchant for being unwelcoming, when our son built a cannon from some old scrap metal and parked it on the front lawn. That was when we were missing a front step.
Today the problem would be that we have a dead rat on the front lawn. I thought since I have four sons and I am perfectly willing to clean up Everything Else, I would leave the dead rodents for them.
Okay,I said, I have two little girl piano students coming this afternoon, and the dead rat needs to be gone by then.
Fortunately I have a gallant and brave husband, who doesn't relish taking care of these things, but does it anyway. I hope our dog survives this latest threat to her security. She is the one responsible for delivering these "trophies" to our front lawn. More than once, Peter has said "It's that dog!" She brings legs of deer, cattle, and various indistinguishable body parts to us regularly. Most of these things, the boys will clean up, but rats are where they draw the line.

Is there anyone out there in cyberspace who doesn't mind things like this? There could be money in it for you!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Is chivalry just mostly dead?

Being somewhat out of commission has had its benefits. While I rest my back, I marvel at the willingness with which our boys have taken up the housework gauntlet and run with it. The older two have been washing and drying all the clothes, the younger two are sorting clean laundry, and they've all helped with dishes and tidying and vacuuming. When I go to fetch my boots, there's nearly always someone ready to pull them on for me, and the boys all rush to my side to help me across icy patches.
Nowadays in the world, it seems so very difficult for men to be chivalrous. I mean, if they should attempt it, they are apt to get a fist in the eye from the lady recipient of their deed. It takes a much braver man than usual to be a knight in shining armor. Not only the dragon to contend with...
The other day I was venturing across the icy church parking lot when two of the boys came up, one on either side, to lend me an arm, and a third boy, finding he was too late to help, decided to hold up my "train." (er, coat-tail) I felt royal, even though it probably didn't really look like I imagined it to look.
I'm very glad chivalry is not dead.